Noun in Hindi, Noun Definition, Types and Examples

Noun Definition : किसी व्यक्ति, वस्तु, स्थान, गुण, कार्य या अवस्था के नाम को Noun (संज्ञा ) कहा जाता है।

The name of a person, place, animal, or object is called a noun.

Noun के उदाहरण :-

Name of Person (व्यक्ति)Ramesh, Rohan, Sita, Boy, Girl…
Name of Things (वस्तु)Mobile, Computer, Pen, Book, Table, Chair…
Name of Animal (जानवर)Dog, Fish, Cow, Elephant, Lion…
Name of Place (स्थान)Haridwar, India, Himachal, Delhi, Noida… 
Name of action (कार्य)  Duty, Work, Movement…
Name of State  (अवस्था) Life, Death, Pleasure, Rest…
Name of quality (गुण)Bad, Beauty, Truth, Kindness, Weakness…

Types of Noun and Examples in Hindi :-

Noun पाँच प्रकार के होते हैं|

  1. Proper Noun (व्यक्तिवाचक)
  2. Common Noun (जातिवाचक)
  3. Collective Noun (समूहवाचक)
  4. Material Noun (पदार्थवाचक)
  5. Abstract Noun (भाववाचक)

1. Proper Noun (व्यक्तिवाचक) : वह Noun  जिससे किसी व्यक्ति, वस्तु या स्थान के खास नाम का बोध हो, Proper Noun  कहलाता है.

A proper noun refers to the name of a person, place or thing.


  1. Ram
  2. Haridwar
  3. Rohan
  4. Ganga
  5. Tajmahal

In each of the following sentences, the proper nouns are highlighted:

(a) Ram is my friend. (b) He is Rohan.

(c) I live at Haridwar.

2. Common Noun (जातिवाचक) : वह Noun जिससे जानवर, वस्तु, स्थान और व्यक्ति के संपूर्ण जाति, वर्ग या श्रेणी का बोध हो, Common Noun  कहलाता है.

A name which does not point out any particular person, place thing, but is common or referring to all person, places or thing of the same class or kind

वह Noun दुनिया में एक से अधिक हो अर्थात जिसे गिना जा सकता है Common  होगा.

Examples :-

  1. Boy
  2. Girl
  3. Man
  4. Women
  5. City
  6. Country
  7. Table
  8. Temple (Mandir)
  9. Village
  10. Mobile
  1. Mohan is a good boy.
  2. Girl is going to school.
  3. He lived in a City.
  4. Woman has a lot of money.

Common Noun,  Singular and Plural कोई भी हो सकता है इसके साथ Singular  या Plural Verb  का प्रयोग किया जाता है.

3. Collective Noun (समूहवाचक) : वह Noun जिससे जानवर, व्यक्ति और वस्तु के समूह (Group) का बोध हो Collective Noun कहलाता है.

A collective noun is the name of a group of persons or things taken together and spoken of as a whole, as unit.

Examples :-

  1. Team (Group of People)
  2. Committee (समिति)
  3. Army (Group of Soldier)
  4. Crowd (भीड़)
  5. Fleet ( गाड़ियों का झुंड)
  6. Class (Group of Students)

In each of the following sentences, the highlighted word is a collective noun:

  1. Crowd is coming toward city
  2. They all are class 10th students
  3. Fleet is going to boarder.

Collective Noun का प्रयोग Singular में होता है यदि इसका प्रयोग Plural में किया जाता है तो वह Common Noun बन जाता है।

4. Material Noun (पदार्थवाचक): जिस संज्ञा (Noun) या शब्द से ऐसे पदार्थ या कोई चीज का बोध होता हैं, जिससे दूसरी वस्तुएं बन सकें Material Noun (पदार्थवाचक) कहलाते हैं

A material noun is the name of metal or substance, of which thing are made of like Silver, Iron, Wood or which can be measured.


  1. Silver
  2. Iron
  3. Wood
  4. Water
  5. Cotton

The highlighted words in the following sentences are all material nouns

  1. The necklace is made of gold.
  2. This ring is made of silver
  3. He got his furniture made of teak wood.
  4. Our cloths are made of cotton.

Material Noun को हमेशा Singular  समझा जाता है, Singular Verb  का प्रयोग किया जाता है.

इसके साथ Indefinite Articles (A, An)  का प्रयोग नहीं किया जाता है.

5. Abstract Noun (भाववाचक): जिस संज्ञा या शब्द से किसी वस्तु के गुण (Quality), अवस्था (State), कर्म (Action) का बोध हो Abstract Noun कहलाता है. Abstract Noun (भाववाचक) जिसे हम लोग ना छू (Physically Touch) सकते है ना देख सकते है सिर्फ महसूस कर सकते है, 

Abstract noun in general refers, the name of quality, action or state of a things


An abstract Noun is the name of things which neither we can see nor be touched but anyone can feel and think of.

Examples :-

  1. Honesty, Bravery (quality)
  2. Hatred, Laughter (action)
  3. Poverty, Young (state)
  4. ख़ुशी (Happiness)
  5. भाग्य (luck)
  6. विश्वास (Trust)
  7. आश्‍चर्य (Surprise)
  8. अंधेरा (Darkness)
  9. कल्पना (Imagination)
  10. जिंदगी (Life)
  11. दुख (Sadness)
  12. विचार (Opinion)
  13. जानकारी (Information)
  14. गुस्सा (Anger)
  15. दर्द (Pain)
  16. खुशी (Joy)
  17. डर (Fear)
  18. साहस (Courage)
  19. मौत (Death)
  20. कानून (Law)
  21. राहत (Relief)
  22. अवसर (Opportunity)
  23. निराशा (Hopelessness)
  24. हार (Defeat)
  25. दोस्ती (Friendship)
  26. धैर्य (Patience)
  27. जवानी (Youth)
  28. बचपन (Childhood)
  29. रचनात्मकता (Creativity)
  30. दयालुता (Kindness)
  31. लालच (Greed)
  32. सुस्‍ती (Laziness)
  33. निष्ठा (Loyalty)
  34. चिंता (Anxiety)
  35. आशा (Hope)
  36. धर्म (Religion)
  37. विज्ञान (Science)
  38. शोध (Research)
  39. कोशिश (Effort)
  40. एकाग्रता (Concentration)
  41. उलझन (Confusion)
  42. समय (Time)
  43. अवस्था (Situation)
  44. अस्तित्‍व (Existence)

The highlighted words in the following sentences are all abstract nouns

  1. ईमानदारी सबसे अच्छी नीति है।
    Honesty is the best policy.
  2. आपको कानून का पालन करना चाहिए.
    You should follow law.
  3. सफलता की कुंजी कड़ी मेहनत है|
    Hard work is the key to success.
  4. मेरी कमजोरी है कि मै दुसरो के बारे में बहुत care करता हूँ|
    My weakness is that I care too much.
  5. वह बहुत धैर्य से काम लेता है
    He work very patience

Other Kinds of Noun :-

1. Countable Nouns : A countable noun is a noun with both a singular and a plural form, and it names anything (or anyone) that one can count.

In each of the following sentences, the highlighted words are countable nouns:

(a) We painted the tables red and the chairs blue. (b) She found six silver dollars in the toe of a sock.

(c) The oak tree lost three branches in the hurricane.

2. Non-Countable Nouns: A non-countable noun is a noun which does not have a plural form, and which refers to something that one cannot usually count. A non-countable noun always takes a singular verb in a sentence. Non-countable nouns are similar to collective nouns, and are the opposite of countable nouns.

The highlighted words in the following sentences are non-countable nouns:

(a) J Priestly discovered oxygen. The word “oxygen” cannot normally be made plural.

Since “oxygen is a non-countable noun, it takes the singular verb “is” rather than the plural verb “are.”

(b) They decided to sell the furniture.

We cannot make the noun” furniture” plural.

(c) The furniture is heaped in the middle of the room. Since “furniture” is a non-countable noun, it takes a singular verb, “is heaped.”

Important Rules of Nouns :-

Rule 1

कुछ Nouns का प्रयोग हमेशा Plural form में ही रहता है। इन Nouns के अन्त में लगे ‘s’ को हटाकर, इन्हें Singular नहीं बनाया जा सकता है। ये दिखने में भी Plural लगते हैं, एवं इनका प्रयोग भी Plural की तरह होता है।

Examples :- Alms, amends, annals, archives, ashes, arrears, athletics, auspices, caves, species, scissors, trousers, pants, clippers, bellows, gallows, fangs, eyeglasses, goggles, belongings, breeches, bowels, braces, binoculars, customs, congratulations, dregs, earnings, entrails, embers, fetters, fireworks, lodgings, lees, odds, outskirts, particulars, proceeds, proceedings, regards, riches, remains, savings, shambles, shears, spectacles, surroundings, tidings, troops, tactics, thanks, tongs, vegetables, valuables, wages etc.

(a) Where are the tongs?

(b) The proceeds were deposited in the court.

(c) All his assets were seized.

(d) Where are my pants?

(e) He sees dissidents as the dregs of society.

(g) The embers of the fire were still burning.

(b) He hated always to be the bearer of bad tidings.

(f) Alms were given to the beggars

Rule 2

कुछ Nouns दिखने में Plural लगते हैं लेकिन अर्थ में Singular होते हैं। इनका प्रयोग हमेशा Singular में हो होता है।

Examples :- News, Innings, Politics, Summons, Physics, Economics, Ethics, Mechanics, Mathematics, Mumps, Rickets, Billiards, Draughts, etc..

(a) No news is good news.

(b) Economics is a good subject.

(c) Draughts is a good game.

(d) Ethics demands honesty in working.

Rule 3

कुछ Nouns दिखने में Singular लगते हैं। लेकिन इनका प्रयोग हमेशा Plural में होता है।

Examples :- cattle clergy, cavalry, infantry, poultry, peasantry, children, gentry, police etc.

cattles, childrens लिखना गलत है। क्योंकि ये Noun स्वयं में ही Plural है।

(a) Cattle are grazing in the field.

(c) There are no gentry in the colony.

(b) Our infantry have marched forward.

(d) Police have arrested the thieves.

Rule 4

कुछ Nouns का प्रयोग केवल Singular form में ही किया जाता है। ये Uncountable Nouns हैं।

इनके साथ Article A/An का प्रयोग भी नहीं किया जा सकता है।

Examples :- Scenery, Poetry, Advice, Information, Hair, Language, Business, Mischief, Bread, Stationery, Crockery, Luggage, Baggage, Postage, Knowledge, Wastage, Money, Jewellery, Breakage.

(a) The scenery of Darzeeling is very charming.

(b) I have no information about her residence.

(e) He transported his furniture by train.

(d) The mischief committed by him is unpardonable.

(e) His hair is black.

(f) He has no knowledge of grammar.

Rule 5

कुछ Nouns, Plural एंव Singular दोनों में एक ही रूप में रहते हैं

Examples :- deer, fish, crew, family, team, jury, carp, pike, trout, aircraft, counsel etc.

(a) Our team is the best.

(b) The jury is considering its judgement.

(d) One fish is there in the pond.

Rule 6

कुछ Nouns जो अर्थ में तो Plural होते हैं, लेकिन यदि इनके पूर्व कोई निश्चित संख्यात्मक विशेषण (Definite numeral adjective) का प्रयोग किया जाता है, तो इन Nouns को Pluralize नहीं किया जाता है।

Examples :- Pair, score, gross, stone, hundred, dozen, thousand, million, Billion etc..

(a) I have two hundred rupees only.

(b) She purchased three dozen pencils.

(c) It is a three feet wall.

(d) He has already donated five thousand rupees.

(e) It is five feet in width.

(f) I have two pair of shoes.