Interjection Definition and Examples in Hindi

Interjection Definition: Interjection एक ऐसा शब्द है जो हृदय में उठने वाली आकस्मिक भावना, उद्गार को प्रकट करता है।

The interjection is always a spoken word that expresses an emotion. Or An interjection is a word, used to express some sudden feeling of mind.

Interjection के अन्त में Sign of exclamation चिन्ह (!) लगाया जाता है।

The word “interjection” literally means ‘something thrown in between’ from the Latin inter (“between”) and jacer (“throw”).

An Interjection, sometimes called a filled pause, is a part of speech that usually has no grammatical connection to the rest of the sentence and simply expresses emotion on the part of the speaker, although most interjections have clear definitions.

Interjection का सम्बन्ध वाक्य की संरचना की grammar इत्यादि से नहीं होता है।

Interjections can be phrases or even sentences as well as words:

As I entered the room-Oh, my God! What I saw!- he was still standing there.

Read the following sentences:

  1. Hurrah! Our team has won.
  2. Bravo! Well played my boys.
  3. Fie! She did such thing.
  4. What! She failed?
  5. Hush! Don’t talk here.
  6. Alas! He lost his son.
  7. Ah! She has gone.
  8. Oh! You are here.
  9. Shh! Don’t make a noise.
  10. Hello! How do you do?

उपरोक्त सभी वाक्यों में जिस शब्द के साथ चिन्ह (!) लगा है वह शब्द Interjection ही है। उस चिन्ह (!) को Mark of Exclamation ‘Hello’ and ‘Goodbye’ are also interjections, as are exclamations like Cheers! and Hurray!

In fact, very often they are characterized by exclamation marks depending on the stress of the attitude or the force of the emotion they are expressing. ‘Well’ can also be used as an interjection, for example when put at the beginning of a sentence.

हृदय की आकस्मिक भावनाओं को निम्न Interjections से व्यक्त किया जा सकता है :

  • Joy (खुशी)-Hurrah, Ha! Ha!
  • Sorrow (दुःख) – Alas!, Ah !, Ha!
  • Surprise (आश्चर्य)-Oh!, What!
  • Greetings (बधाई)-Bravo!. Well done!
  • Calling (सम्बोधन)-Hello !, Hey!
  • Contempt (धृणा) – Fie!, Bosh!, Shame! Shame!
  • Attention (ध्यान) – Listen !, Lo !, Hush !, Shh !, Behold!

उक्त Interjections का प्रयोग भावनाओं के अनुसार किया जाता है।

Interjections are uninflected function words that express the attitude or emotion of the speaker. They are ined when the speaker encounters events that cause these emotions gly or in many other sudden ways. unexpectedly, painfully,