
How to Speak Proper English with Grammar?

To know the proper way of speaking English is very important today. If you are unable to unable to speak in English, then you will not be getting admission in good schools, colleges & big companies.

English is one of the most important languages that are being spoken in most of the countries around the world, so it is very important for you to know how to speak in English in a correct manner.

English language and literature is taught in many colleges and Universities around the world. The students who want to apply to study in foreign universities prepare and appear for the IELTS (International English Language Testing Skills) examination.

How to Speak Proper English?

If you speak mostly in your native language or mother tongue, then you are going to have trouble speaking in English. There are a few steps by which you can improve your English-speaking skills. The steps for proper English speaking are as follows:

1. Improve Pronunciation:

You can speak to a professional English teacher or speaker to improve your pronunciation. For education is the most important part of learning English correctly, there are many educated persons who have a strong knowledge of grammatical and syntactic rules.

You can talk to your family members, teachers, or other professionals who are going to hear your English pronunciation.

2. Use the Correct Grammar:

At the time of speaking proper English, you need to incorporate the subject, verb & object in the sentence properly. English sentences can be long and complex as they are created, but it needs to have three main components to be called as a sentence.

The subject is the noun that is followed by a verb and the object changes the verb. For example: I like to eat cake, here ‘I’ is the subject, and ‘like to eat’ is the verb and ‘cake’ is the object. You can also use pronouns which matches the noun and so on.

3. Improve Your Vocabulary:

You should try to increase your English vocabulary so that you can speak English properly. For increasing your vocabulary, you should read English books, for reading is one of the best ways to increase your vocabulary, while you are reading the book you must understand the correct context of each word.

You must not look up every single word, but you should see how the words are being used in a particular sentence. If you do not understand any word, then look that word up in the dictionary.

You should find those materials to read which you think is interesting it can be novels, newspapers, or even comic books, comic books also help to increase your vocabulary.

4. Don’t Be Afraid to Make Mistakes:

As we are human beings it is common for us to make mistakes. At the time of speaking English, one is bound to make mistakes but after identifying the mistakes one should not repeat them.

You should not be afraid of speaking something wrong for it can be difficult to remember and apply all the rules and words in construction of simple sentences. After learning from your mistakes, you should focus on improving your English grammar.

5. Use Sentences Instead of Words:

Rather than using single words to express your thoughts, feelings & ideas you should use complete sentences to express them. If you use sentences to express your communication or speech to others, then chances of making mistakes are much less and the person you are speaking to is going to understand your message better.

6. You can Speak to your self and Make its Video

You can practice to speak to your self. Make its video on any topic in which you can speak more. Listen it and correct any mistake you made and move forward.

Then again make its video on same topic. I hope next time you will not repeat same mistake. This will build your confidence and you will be near to start fluent speaking English.

7. Take Online Courses:

If you want to become an expert in English speaking then you can enroll yourself in different online courses that is going to help you with learn how to speak, read, write & listen.

The online courses are designed in such a way that you are going to find it very easy to follow the instructions and you can apply the knowledge given by them to enhance your English-speaking skills and your English vocabulary.

Thus to conclude it can be stated that you should know how to speak English properly so that you can get appreciation from everyone in your community.

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