English to Hindi Dictionary
English to Hindi online bi-lingual dictionary (shabdkosh) with thesaurus, large number of English and Hindi words.
We do our best to include new words every day. Our editors are always on the lookout for new terms: languages thrive with newly created words.
We are constantly improving the quality of our dictionary. With the meaning of words, dictionary also have the Thesaurus, synonyms (similar words), antonyms (opposite words), Transitive verb, Hyponyms andIntransitive verb.
This dictionary contains exhaustive examples and usage of all important English words in sentences.
- Open stock
- Parliamentary accountability
- End squared
- Career counselling
- Cornice
- Merry
- Tellable
- Granolithic
- Nearly
- Radio frequency
- Deformation point
- Manning-cum incentive scheme
- Dead and gone
- Nepotism
- Productive, fertile
- Scavenge
- Triaenodon obseus
- Flint hoe
- Ceruse
- Cherry
- Rumor
- Birkett-lewis atlas
- Install (instal)
- Drinking place
- Graphiphyric
- Probate
- To detail
- Strong
- To extract
- Space
- Consistency
- To consolidate
- As far as may be
- Einstein effect
- Mice eaten quartz
- Icosandrous
- Advert
- Checking programme
- Solder
- Childbed
- Further
- Mucoviscidosis
- Ascendant
- Yellow boy
- Pseudogamy
- Reincorporate
- Reproduce
- Suburbia
- Downdraft
- Swahili people
- Vote
- Indian rubber
- Sucking, green, unexperianced
- Federation
- Smothered
- Carbol fuchsin
- To paint black as white
- Expurgator
- Priority
- Good character
- Reach
- Masking
- Put on
- Undergraduateship
- Tintography
- Imbedded primary ideal
- Spoonful
- Quantitative inheritance
- Splayfooted
- Frenziedly
- Unsolicited
- Moored
- Non-objective method
- Discretion reposed in the registering officer
- Rope way
- Forty thousand odd
- Untoward
- Incredible
- Augur
- To awake
- Pyritohedral
- Circumoral zone
- Sennight
- Nasty
- Turnaround time
- Plank
- False echoes
- Chiaroscuro
- Production
- Chlorex solvent
- Ruling
- Back
- Cui plus licet quam per est plus vult quam
- Population census
- Disclaimer of lease holds
- To print
- Non-prominent syllable
- Mortgage market
- Traitorously
- Road