Daily Used English Sentences in Conversation and Hindi Meaning
Daily use English Sentences for Practice and Learning With Hindi Meaning provide an effective way to improve your English conversation skills.
While understanding the meanings of these sentences in Hindi, these sentences cover a wide range of topics and help learners practice their English language.
These everyday English sentences will help you communicate more confidently in various situations, from casual chit-chats to formal interactions. With the included Hindi translations, learners can easily grasp the meanings and enhance their bilingual skills.
While understanding the meanings of these sentences in Hindi, these sentences cover a wide range of topics and help learners practice their English language.
These everyday English sentences will help you communicate more confidently in various situations, from casual chit-chats to formal interactions. With the included Hindi translations, learners can easily grasp the meanings and enhance their bilingual skills.
- Don’t hesitate
- Stand in the queue
- Let’s make a plan
- Hurry up or you’ll miss the train
- He is striving hard to get a govt job
- Can i have a glass of water
- They live in a big house
- See him off
- Attend to your work
- Never say never again
- I’m taking a cooking class
- What time is our next class
- Can you recommend a good movie
- Praise someone to the skies
- While ago
- Take over
- Give back
- Talk to me
- Do not talk nonsense
- Hen pecked husband
- Could you please pass me the salt
- I love my job
- How’s your family doing
- How is it
- See you later/tomorrow
- Come to help
- Do not do this
- Squeeze the lemon
- Do you have some time to talk
- Do something
- Tell me
- My marriage is fixed
- Not yet
- Run into
- Take back
- My father scolded me today
- Go to the railway station
- Misguide someone
- Put back
- I personally feel
- How are you feeling
- Never mind
- She has got annoyed with me
- Put in all one’s efforts
- Do not be silly
- Have a good day
- Hold your tongue
- We wish you a speedy recovery
- It’s ok
- What did you do last night
- Punish someone severely
- Make someone dance to one’s tunes
- Get your mobile repaired
- How do you know me
- I will see you
- What is going on
- Take off the sleeper
- Will you stand by me
- Use your brain
- The phone is ringing
- Nothing special
- How are you
- At times i think i am god
- Let’s plan a road trip
- He considers you a fool
- Thank you for your help
- Need of money
- Not at all
- What’s your favorite food
- Move up in the world
- Just like that
- Do not make excuses
- The school bus is waiting outside
- Follow me
- What’s your favorite hobby or pastime
- Do you want to shrug off your responsibilities
- Turn off the tap
- Don’t apologies, it does not matter
- He should go to home
- Turn off the light
- Take care
- I’m sorry for the misunderstanding
- Go to the market and buy vegetables
- Be quite
- I am hungry
- Listen to him
- It’s a beautiful day
- Get away
- In the scorching sun
- Why are you acting pricey
- Please speak slowly
- Get along well with somebody
- Enough
- Do it
- Why are getting nervous
- Put in practice
- Go downstairs
- Don’t push
- I am out since morning
- Can you recommend a good restaurant
Hindi Sentences Meaning
- मैं एक कप चाय लूंगा
- वे मुझे नहीं समझते हैं
- तुम मुझे बिल्कुल मेरे जैसी लगती हो
- क्या इससे कोई फर्क पड़ता है
- हाँ बारिश हो रही है
- जैसा में कहूँ वैसा करो प्लीज
- अपनी जगह पर बैठो
- उन्हें ये पहले से ही पता था
- क्या आप धूम्रपान करते हैं
- आँच मीडियम कर दो अगर आंच धीमा है तो
- उसने जानबूझ कर गिलास तोड़ा
- मैं तैर सकता हूँ
- तुम क्या सोचती हो क्या नहीं सोचती मुझे फर्क नहीं पड़ता
- मुँह बंद करो
- हे भगवान फिर से देर हो गई
- तुम कमाल हो
- गम्भीर हो जाओ
- आज सुबह मुझे आने में देर हो गई थी
- मैंने तुम्हारा ठेका लिया है क्या
- वे बहुत पैसे वाले हैं
- मेरे पीठ में दर्द नहीं है
- मेरे सिर में बहुत बुरी खुजली हो रही है बहुत ज्यादा खुजली हो रही है
- मैं तुम्हारा हूं।
- आजकल हल्की ठंड है
- बाय करो
- नियमों का पालन करो
- आप गलत कह रहे हैं
- हवा चल रही है
- मुझसे अंग्रजी में बोलो
- कभी कभी में स्वतंत्र होता हूं
- बच्चे का नया दाँत निकल रहा है
- तुम्हारे दिमाग में क्या चल रहा है
- मेरे बजाय पापा वहाँ गए
- मैं कुछ खरीदना चाहूँगा
- क्या इस एरिया का कुछ खास पकवान है
- तुम किसकी तरफ हो
- यह मुश्किल है
- दरवाजे की कुंडी खोल दो
- इस मामले को किसी तरह सुलझाओ
- क्या हमें कुछ और रोटियाँ मिल सकती है कृपया
- मैंने उसे हाल ही में देखा
- नीचे उतरो
- मेरा समय और बर्बाद मत करो
- जितना जल्दी हो सके
- बड़ा खुराफाती दिमाग है आपका
- क्या तुम मुझे जगा दोगे
- सर्वप्रथम
- पंखा बंद करो
- अपनी सीट बेल्ट बाँध लो
- आपको कौन सा चाहिए