Daily Used English Sentences in Conversation and Hindi Meaning

Daily use English Sentences for Practice and Learning With Hindi Meaning provide an effective way to improve your English conversation skills.

While understanding the meanings of these sentences in Hindi, these sentences cover a wide range of topics and help learners practice their English language.

These everyday English sentences will help you communicate more confidently in various situations, from casual chit-chats to formal interactions. With the included Hindi translations, learners can easily grasp the meanings and enhance their bilingual skills.


  1. Send him to me
  2. Comb your hair
  3. Are you free this weekend
  4. I’ll be back soon
  5. Can you recommend a good restaurant
  6. Peel off the potatoes
  7. Wander here and there
  8. Exactly the same
  9. She is just making you dance to her tunes
  10. Keep trust
  11. Have a nice weekend
  12. Do you have some time to talk
  13. Get up
  14. Undoubted
  15. Act according to my directions
  16. Nothing can be done now
  17. Do you have any plans for the holidays
  18. Stand in the queue
  19. Tell a lie
  20. Where are you from
  21. Think about it
  22. Do you need anything
  23. The way of doing
  24. Time is up
  25. You will have to shoulder your responsibilities
  26. Get up early
  27. I’m running late for my meeting
  28. I forgot my keys at home
  29. I’m so excited about the concert
  30. He swims in the pool
  31. I am teaching him how to speak english
  32. What’s the time
  33. No remedy for it
  34. You drive very well
  35. Call out
  36. Roll the chapatis
  37. At least for this reason
  38. Can you show me on the map
  39. He considers you a fool
  40. Introspect oneself
  41. He can run for 20 kms in one go
  42. Come quickly
  43. Dance to the tunes of someone
  44. Do we have any tests
  45. Can you give me directions
  46. He should go to home
  47. What’s up
  48. Stop it
  49. Get it out of your system
  50. Because of some reasons
  51. All’s fair in love and war
  52. Sorry, for being late
  53. For the whole night
  54. I’m so glad to see you
  55. Keep trying
  56. Can you give me a ride to the airport
  57. He has come across many failures in life
  58. Don’t make me angry
  59. Sit straight
  60. Can you hear me
  61. Button up your shirt
  62. He always stands by me in times of trouble
  63. He is really optimistic about his career
  64. Get rid of someone
  65. I need to fix my computer
  66. Have a good day
  67. While ago
  68. Stay single
  69. By the mercy of god
  70. Do you have any plans for tonight
  71. Have you seen the latest movie
  72. What next
  73. How was your weekend
  74. At least
  75. I’m good, thanks and you
  76. Feeling of co-operation
  77. Thank you for your help
  78. As you wish
  79. Really
  80. Who said
  81. After some time
  82. Don’t push
  83. Stop insulting me
  84. It’s a beautiful day outside
  85. Did you get my point
  86. See you again
  87. In my opinion
  88. Get your mobile repaired
  89. In some days
  90. Use your brain
  91. Listen to me
  92. Look around
  93. Talk with manners
  94. I will do it later on
  95. Let’s make a plan
  96. It’s a beautiful day
  97. Criticize somebody
  98. How can i get to the airport
  99. Off course not
  100. What’s the plan

Hindi Sentences Meaning


  1. साइकिल का पेडल मारो
  2. आपके कितने बच्चे हैं
  3. उसने अपनी उँगली काट ली
  4. क्या आपके पास इसका साइज है
  5. वह देर से उठता है
  6. वो इसके लायक नहीं है
  7. मैं यह नहीं चाहता
  8. एक बात तो पक्की है
  9. बाहर मत जाओ
  10. मैं तुमसे कभी तो मिलूंगा
  11. उसने क्या कहा मैं समझ नहीं पाया
  12. मुझे गलत साबित करो
  13. दिमाग में रख लो
  14. मैंने उसे हाल ही में देखा
  15. अच्छी चीजें होती हैं
  16. दर्द बना हुआ है
  17. समझ में आया
  18. मैंने भैया को बताया
  19. पहले से ज्यादा आसान है
  20. सीधे खड़े हो जाओ
  21. ज़्यादा भोले मत बनो
  22. हाँ मैं उठ गई हूँ
  23. अपने काम से काम रखो
  24. ऐसी हालत में
  25. से लेकर के बीच का कोई नम्बर सोचो
  26. तुम्हारे पास कितने पैसे हैं
  27. आज मेरा जन्मदिन है
  28. शुरू से ही
  29. अज्ञात न हो
  30. उसे बहुत बुरी तरह से जुखाम हो गया है
  31. मैं हाजिरी लेने जा रहा हूँ
  32. जब मैंने उसे देखा तो तुरंत पहचान लिया
  33. बात तो वहीं हुई
  34. डरो मत
  35. बहुत शरारती हो गए हो
  36. नौटंकी करना बंद करो
  37. मक्खन दूध से बनता है
  38. कोई मुझे देख रहा था
  39. मैं थक रहा हूँ
  40. वह रेस्तराँ महँगा नहीं है
  41. मैं साँस नहीं ले पा रहा हूँ
  42. ये सब क्या है
  43. तुम कुछ ज्यादा ही नाजुक हो
  44. मुझे ये पसंद है
  45. फिर मिलना
  46. मैं घर के काम कर रही है
  47. आपके पीछे
  48. मैं यहाँ अभी-अभी आया हूँ
  49. कब से कब तक
  50. बिजली गिरी है