Ballet Meaning in Hindi with Examples

Meaning in Hindi

Examples and Usage of Ballet in Sentences

  1. Highbrow events such as the ballet or opera
  2. She haunts the ballet
  3. He celebrated his 10th season with the ballet company
  4. In holidays there is a flow of timedeep beneath the ritual ballet
  5. Ballet is beautiful but what use is it?
  6. A well enacted ballet
  7. Ballet review;a duel between love and seduction
  8. Ballet theater review; broadway bird returns to the swan role

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What is "Ballet" meaning in Hindi?

In English to Hindi dictionary(Shabdkosh) you will get to know that -"Ballet" word different meaning and hindi translation with usage, examples and also similar words and synonyms. Also find "Ballet" antonyms, Transitive verb, Intransitive verb, Hypernyms and Hyponyms. Answer of what is the meaning of "Ballet" in Hindi and their usage in sentences. "Ballet" का हिंदी में मतलब