Spraying Meaning in Hindi with Examples
Meaning in Hindi
- फुहरन
(Phuharan) - छिड़काना
(Chhidakana) - फुहार छिड़काव
(Phuhar chhidakav) - शीकरण
(Shikaran) - फुहार
(Phuhar) - शीकरन करना
(Shikaran karana) - फुहारना
Examples and Usage of Spraying in Sentences
- Spraying them out in a trail of beige
- When i say the word, start spraying immediately,' she said
- Oh c'mon, 'er-my-knee, said ron, accidentally spraying harry with bits of119 yorkshire pudding
- The curtains were no longer buzzing; they hung limp and damp from the intensive spraying
- Fountain-full he pours the spraying fountain-showers
Match Word of Spraying
"Spraying" meaning in Hindi, Dictionary
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What is "Spraying" meaning in Hindi?
In English to Hindi dictionary(Shabdkosh) you will get to know that -"Spraying" word different meaning and hindi translation with usage, examples and also similar words and synonyms. Also find "Spraying" antonyms, Transitive verb, Intransitive verb, Hypernyms and Hyponyms. Answer of what is the meaning of "Spraying" in Hindi and their usage in sentences. "Spraying" का हिंदी में मतलब