"I Am Doing Nothing" Meaning in Hindi
- मैं कुछ नहीं कर रहा हूँ
(Main kuchh nahin kar raha hoon)
Examples and Usage of "I am doing nothing" in Sentences
- I am doing nothing at the moment just relaxing
Check More Sentences Meaning...
- Where were you
- Do not talk nonsense
- I’m hungry
- See you next time
- I’m trying to eat healthier
- Did you sleep well last night
- Increase the speed of the fan
- Have your breakfast
- Out of work
- You are going astray
- What’s your dream vacation destination
- Do not make excuses
- See you later/tomorrow
- Let’s go for a walk
- Need of money
- Get to know/ come to know
- Tell me what happened here
- What’s your favorite animal
- Get up
- The sky is the limit
"I Am Doing Nothing" meaning in Hindi, Dictionary
Meaning, translation and definitions of "I Am Doing Nothing", translation in hindi language with similar word by world best dictionary - englishbook.in
What is "I Am Doing Nothing" meaning in Hindi?
In English to Hindi dictionary(Shabdkosh) you will get to know that -"I Am Doing Nothing" word different meaning and hindi translation with usage, examples and also similar words and synonyms. Also find "I Am Doing Nothing" antonyms, Transitive verb, Intransitive verb, Hypernyms and Hyponyms. Answer of what is the meaning of "I Am Doing Nothing" in Hindi and their usage in sentences. "I Am Doing Nothing" का हिंदी में मतलब