Difference in Do/Does and Did, and their Sentences

The word DO/Did appears a lot in English.

This is because it can be a verb TO DO (Do / Does / Did / Done) and can also be an AUXILIARY verb (Do / Does / Did). ff we don’t use them properly, there’s a high chance they’ll end up with grammatically incorrect sentences. If you want to have a proper grasp of the English Language, you need to have a basic understanding of the grammar rules.

Word ‘do’ is used as an action verb. Do is also used with personal pronouns.Word ‘did’ is the past form of the verb ‘do’ and is used when the action is done in the past tense.
Do/Does” is used in Present Indefinite TenseDid” is used in Past Indefinite Tense
Do/Does” is use in Affirmative, Negative and Interrogative Sentence of Present Indefinite TenseDid” also use in Affirmative, Negative and Interrogative Sentence of Past Indefinite Tense
I / you / we / they – DO
he / she / it – DOES
The past tense of DO is DID for all subjects:
I / you / we / they / he / she / it – DID
do my laundry on Saturdays.(Affir.)
(मैं अपनी कपड़ों को शनिवार को धोता हूँ।)

I don’t go to school anymore. (Negative)
(मैं अब और स्कूल नहीं जाता हूँ।)

She doesn’t go to school. (Negative)
(वह स्कूल नहीं जाती है।)

Do you go to school? (Interro)
(क्या आप स्कूल जाते हैं?)

Does she go to school? (Interro)
(क्या वह स्कूल जाती है?)
I did my laundry on Saturdays.(Affir.)
(मैं शनिवार को अपनी कपड़ों को धो चुका था।)

I didn’t go to school yesterday. (Negative)
(मैं कल स्कूल नहीं गया था।)

Did you go to school yesterday?(Interro)
(क्या आप कल स्कूल गये थे?)

Sita already did her homework.
(सीता ने पहले से ही अपना होमवर्क कर लिया था।)
Do/Does” represent that we talking about Present thingsDid” represent that we talking about Past things